• 22 ноября 2013, пятница
  • Москва, Корпус НИУ ВШЭ на Мясницкой (Мясницкая улица, 20), комната 116.

Law & psychological science: Why the debate?

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3805 дней назад
22 ноября 2013 c 18:00 до 20:00
Корпус НИУ ВШЭ на Мясницкой (Мясницкая улица, 20), комната 116.

What is the value of psychological science to society? Can this science aid the field of law? After earning his PhD with Stanley Milgram in 1979, Harold Takooshian has been teaching at Fordham University, where he introduced the course in Law & Psychology in 1984. And now he is going to share some of his brightest thoughts with us.

Here, he will: 

(1) share Alan Kraut’s new 12-minute video on the value of psychological science,

(2) review the history of forensic psychology,

and (3) offer 3 experiments of value to legal reform--on prison reform, eyewitness evidence, and bystander behavior.

As you might have noticed, the whole event will have English as its main working language. Translation is not included, beverages are.

The forum is jointly organized by MSU Praxis and HSE Spiritus.
Chairs Valeriya Lyanguzova (Praxis) and Aram Fomichev (Spiritus).


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